Feeding damage on rhododendrons?
Black vine weevil causes damage to numerous plants such as rhododendrons, cherry laurels and new trees by their typical habit of chewing small notches on the edges of leaves and needles. But it is the grubs that cause the most damage by feeding on the roots of plants and a heavy infestation can result in the damaged plant dying.
Leaf hoppers, bugs & Co.
Many plants in the ornamental garden suffer from biting and sucking insects. A second generation of the rose leaf hopper can now appear, causing white leaf spots on the leaves. In August, plant-damaging bugs appear on many ornamental plants. Their sucking activity not only causes leaves to weaken and curl but can also affect the flowers of many ornamental plants too. BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer+ is an effective means of tackling these pests.
A summer without mosquitoes
Mosquito larvae can develop in all standing waters such as ponds and rain barrels as well as in the smallest of puddles. However, by using a preparation to combat mosquito larvae in rain barrels, garden ponds and other bodies of water, you can stop this from happening. Ask at your garden centre for an approved product.
Greedy birds
To stop greedy birds from feeding on grapes before it’s harvest time, protect them with special aluminium strips. The noise and the light reflecting from the aluminium strips keep away hungry birds. Ask at your garden centre for a suitable product.
Get boxwood ready for the winter
Give boxwood a last feed with Organic Multipurpose Plant Food in August so that it has time to mature before winter. The plants can be given a final cut by the end of August. Pruning any later promotes greater frost damage.
To help boxwood regenerate after cutting back, treat with a homoeopathic plant elixir that strengthens the plant before winter.