Keep plants healthy even at the dark time of the year
In winter, many plants suffer from insufficient exposure to light. Additional lighting using special plant lighting can significantly improve the growth of plants.
Plants are grateful when they are regularly cleaned of dust. Sclerophyllous plants look particularly attractive when the leaves are sprayed with a leaf shine spray. Slight deposits of dust and lime stains disappear and the leaves have a permanent, matt-gloss sheen.
But remember that less water evaporates from the plants in winter, so cut back on watering.
Intercept flying pests
Flying pests in the winter garden can be easily detected using plant flycatchers. This helps you to tackle whiteflies, aphids and other pests with BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer Concentrate+ at an early stage.
Dry air
Many plants do not like the warm air from radiators because the humidity is too low. Damage such as browning of the leaf tips and edges, yellowing of the leaves and leaf drop may then occur. The dry air encourages the appearance of pests such as thrips, spider mites and others in the winter months. Increase humidity by simply hanging water evaporators on the radiators. Frequently spraying with lukewarm water does many plants good. Under no circumstances try to compensate for a lack of humidity in the air by watering more frequently. Waterlogged potting compost is a common cause of root damage caused by fungal pathogens or the appearance of fungus gnats. Test the moisture content of the potting soil with your finger to prevent overwatering.
Warning: Spider mites
Dry heating air promotes infestation with spider mites. Plants close to radiators are often the first to get spider mites. Ficus types are particularly vulnerable. Do not forget to regularly check your plants for infestation, preferably using a magnifying glass. Spider mites can be tackled with BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer+. The agent is also available in ready-to-use pump sprays.
Scale insects and mealybugs
BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer+ is suitable for soft-leaved plants. It is also better to remove tips that are heavily infested.
Flowers for Christmas
So-called Barbara twigs to be used as floral decoration in vases can be cut on 4 December and then blossom pretty much in time for Christmas. Twigs cut on 10 December (Barbara Day) usually bloom in time for New Year’s Eve and New Year. Other twigs suitable for decoration in vases are forsythia, hazel, pussy willow, Cornus, witch hazel, sweet and ornamental cherries as well as apples and ornamental apples. Almond trees and peach need slightly longer than three weeks until they flower.
A silvery sheen on the leaves is not a sign of Christmas joy!
Many plants can be infested with thrips. They suck on the leaves producing silvery-looking spots and small black faeces deposits are often to be found on the leaves. Many kinds of palm trees and ivy are at particular risk.
BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer+ RTU is a spray against thrips. Spray the plant well from all sides. A repeat application after one week is advisable.