Warning, rose mildew!
A white coating of rose petals indicates an infestation of powdery mildew. This fungus is particularly prevalent in sunny weather. Remove any shoots and leaves that are completely covered.
Organic Rose Feed supplies the plants with optimum nutrition. So, regularly use Organic Rose Feed on your roses. Well-nourished plants are less susceptible to fungal disease.
Leaf spots on rose petals
You treat the rust-red bumps on the top of the leaf (rose rust) with a pesticide specially designed to combat fungal diseases of roses, vegetables and ornamental plants. Ask at your garden centre for a suitable product.
Yellow leaves on rhododendrons
Young rhododendron leaves in particular often turn yellow, whereby the leaf veins remain green. These are typical symptoms of iron deficiency which often occurs in chalky soils. This can be remedied with a ferrous fertiliser. After flowering is now a good time to give rhododendrons a feed with Organic Multipurpose Plant Food.
Problems with buds dying?
A fungal infection often causes the buds of rhododendrons to turn brown. The fungus that causes so much damage to rhododendrons is transmitted by a 1 cm large insect – the rhododendron leaf hopper. The red-green leaf hoppers are noticeable as they vigorously jump around on the plants. Tackle these by spraying with BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer Concentrate+ in the early morning.
Aphids on the march
More and more aphids can now be spotted on all kinds of plants. Tackle these in good time with BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer Concentrate+.
Weeds in the garden
WeedFree Plus Concentrate+ quickly puts an end to this annoying problem. It works immediately and can be used from spring to autumn. As WeedFree Plus Concentrate+ only acts on the green parts of the plants, it is also suitable for use under trees and shrubs. This product is particularly effective. Very practical for a quick application: WeedFree is also available as a ready-to-use product.
Invite beneficial garden helpers
Our gardens are full of little helpers that we often don’t notice. These beneficial insects include lacewings, ladybirds and wild bees. Invite these animals to your garden or balcony with an insect hotel. The different beneficial insects can find their perfect nesting and sleeping quarters.