Tuber time
Now is the time to plant tubers from dahlias and begonias as well as gladioli on montbretia bulbs in the ground. This also applies to ranunculus, canna and other summer-flowering bulbs. Preferably plant these in a peat-free, natural potting soil. Then fertilise with Organic Multipurpose Plant Food or Organic Rose Feed.
After the Ice Saints it’s all go outdoors
The risk of frost is usually gone by 15 May (Ice Saints): young summer flowers can then go outdoors. But don’t forget: to produce lots of flowers these plants also need sufficient nutrients. So feed them straight after planting with Organic Multipurpose Plant Food.
Now you can plant balcony and patio plants as well as Mediterranean plants and palm trees in a peat-free soil, specially designed to meet their needs. If the soil does not already contain a fertiliser, then immediately feed with Organic Multipurpose Plant Food, which you can also use to feed them with again later.
Maintaining spring flowers
Remove the flower heads from wilted tulips and daffodils. Wait until the leaves become completely yellow before removing them. Next year’s flowers will otherwise perform badly or not at all.
Time to prune almond trees and Co.
Cut back spring shrubs such as almond trees, catkin willows and forsythia after flowering. In the case of almond trees, this also prevents possible infections such as Monilia tip drought from spreading in the plant.
Stop aphids multiplying
This is now the start of the aphid season. If there aren’t enough native beneficial organisms around, use BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer+ so that you don’t get a proliferation of greenfly.
Fight slugs with an active ingredient that occurs in nature
Unfortunately, seedlings and the lush new shoots of perennials magically attract slugs. To stop your plants from being eaten: spread Sluggo® Slug & Snail Killer+ and Sluggo® Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+. This protects the young shoots against slugs.
Gluttonous guests
Some plants now show signs of being eaten by caterpillars. You can easily prevent serious damage by tackling with a fast-acting BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer Concentrate+.
The merry month is also a “weed month”
Weeds are particularly vigorous in May when cultivated plants have not yet covered the ground. WeedFree Plus Concentrate+ kills weeds and grass in the beds within a few hours. You only need to wait two days before you can replant in the treated area. The agent is also available in a ready-to-use pump spray as WeedFree Plus+.
Boxwoods in spring
Now is the time to feed your boxwoods in flower beds and tubs with Organic Multipurpose Plant Food. This supplies the plant with all the necessary nutrients over a long period of time. Boxwoods that are regularly fed and watered are significantly less prone to dying. The best time to prune boxwood is after the first buds have sprouted or if infested with the boxwood psyllid.