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Protect your patio from ant invasions with AntFree from Neudorff
A beautiful patio adorned with flowers can set the stage for a picture-perfect alfresco dining experience. However, with dry summers predicted to become the norm due to climate change, the nation’s hard standings are at risk of being overrun by ants.
Left uncontrolled, colonies of ants multiply rapidly between spring and autumn, tunnelling in-between gaps in paving and leaving excavated soil strewn across patios and paths. The resulting mess is both unsightly and a slip hazard and can also undermine the foundations of a patio leaving slabs unlevel, wobbly and crying out for costly repairs.
That’s why Neudorff, a pioneer of natural gardening products since 1854, is coming to the rescue with its AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules**. Certified by the Organic Farmers & Growers’ Association (OF&G), the innovative formulation, containing a natural active ingredient, has a big advantage over traditional ant powders. If applied as a liquid solution, the active ingredient penetrates deep into nests underneath patios and paths – ensuring that insects that do not have access to the surface are controlled, so nests are killed quickly and effectively.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Infestations of ants around the house on paths, patios and terraces are increasingly common and come at a time when we’re using our outdoor living areas more than ever before. A well-maintained patio provides homes with real kerb appeal, but paved areas strewn with excavated debris and unstable slabs contribute to a run-down appearance. Fortunately, there’s no need to let ants run riot as Neudorff’s AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules** get to work fast, even where nests are deep underground, ensuring that infestations are quickly and effectively tackled.”
AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules**, which can also be scattered dry for convenience, are based on natural ingredient pyrethrins, derived from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium extract. They are the go-to choice for gardeners who strive to control pests using products based on ingredients that occur naturally.
While keeping patio areas free from food debris will help to reduce the risk of ants that make a beeline for a free lunch, controlling nests promptly is the best way to avoid infestations spiralling out of control. According to the RHS, nests contain at least one female queen ant which lays eggs. The queen is commonly guarded by thousands of worker ants that gather food for the colony and enlarge the nest – so drenching gaps in between paving slabs with AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules** is the most
effective method of getting to grips with hard to access underground nests.
A 500g shaker can of AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules** has an RRP of £8.75. For details visit www.neudorff.co.uk or find online stockists on
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up a reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
Left uncontrolled, colonies of ants multiply rapidly between spring and autumn, tunnelling in-between gaps in paving and leaving excavated soil strewn across patios and paths. The resulting mess is both unsightly and a slip hazard and can also undermine the foundations of a patio leaving slabs unlevel, wobbly and crying out for costly repairs.
That’s why Neudorff, a pioneer of natural gardening products since 1854, is coming to the rescue with its AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules**. Certified by the Organic Farmers & Growers’ Association (OF&G), the innovative formulation, containing a natural active ingredient, has a big advantage over traditional ant powders. If applied as a liquid solution, the active ingredient penetrates deep into nests underneath patios and paths – ensuring that insects that do not have access to the surface are controlled, so nests are killed quickly and effectively.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Infestations of ants around the house on paths, patios and terraces are increasingly common and come at a time when we’re using our outdoor living areas more than ever before. A well-maintained patio provides homes with real kerb appeal, but paved areas strewn with excavated debris and unstable slabs contribute to a run-down appearance. Fortunately, there’s no need to let ants run riot as Neudorff’s AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules** get to work fast, even where nests are deep underground, ensuring that infestations are quickly and effectively tackled.”
AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules**, which can also be scattered dry for convenience, are based on natural ingredient pyrethrins, derived from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium extract. They are the go-to choice for gardeners who strive to control pests using products based on ingredients that occur naturally.
While keeping patio areas free from food debris will help to reduce the risk of ants that make a beeline for a free lunch, controlling nests promptly is the best way to avoid infestations spiralling out of control. According to the RHS, nests contain at least one female queen ant which lays eggs. The queen is commonly guarded by thousands of worker ants that gather food for the colony and enlarge the nest – so drenching gaps in between paving slabs with AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules** is the most
effective method of getting to grips with hard to access underground nests.
A 500g shaker can of AntFree AntFree Ant Killer Granules** has an RRP of £8.75. For details visit www.neudorff.co.uk or find online stockists on
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up a reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
Press copy
- Neudorff 23 09 - NR - AntFree Ant Killer Granules .pdf
Neudorff’s Mildew Clear for Edibles+ tackles mildew outbreaks head-on
Neudorff, pioneer of natural gardening products since 1854, is tackling
outbreaks of mildew on various edible and all ornamental garden plants with its Mildew Clear for Edibles+.
Originally launched ahead of the 2022 season, Mildew Clear for Edibles+ tackles fungal diseases on vegetables, fruit, grape vines and ornamental garden plants, providing consumers with a one-stop solution that effectively controls mildew outbreaks across a wide variety of plants.
Already proving popular amongst greenfingered consumers, Mildew Clear for Edibles+ contains sulphur as its active ingredient, which is delivered as a water dispersible granule formulation.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Mildew Clear for Edibles+ is the answer to gardeners’ prayers, effectively tackling unsightly fungal growth that, left unchecked, can cover the surface of plants and thwart the prospect of a healthy crop or an abundance of flowers. Unlike many other diseases, which spread like wildfire in damp summer conditions, mildew often catches gardeners off guard. This is down to its ability to take hold during periods of fair weather, as its spores contain enough water to germinate on dry plant
surfaces. The sulphur-based formulation of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ is all that gardeners need to bring outbreaks under control and prevent microscopic spores from spreading, helping flowers, fruit and veg to recover and flourish throughout the season,” Guy added.
Powdery mildew is one of the most common diseases to strike plants growing in gardens and on allotments, as well as on patios and balconies. It is prevalent in dry conditions on courgettes, gooseberries, grapes, cucumbers, peas and marrows – while also targeting popular ornamentals such as delphinium, azalea and honeysuckle.
Taking care not to apply too much fertiliser can help to reduce outbreaks of powdery mildew, as young growth is highly susceptible, while allowing plenty of space between plants, and pruning to give an open structure, boosts air circulation and reduces humidity, hindering the disease’s spread. However, outbreaks are so common that Neudorff believes its Mildew Clear for Edibles+ is essential for halting mildews in their
tracks, when applied from spring onwards at the first sign of tell-tale powdery coatings on flowers, leaves and stems.
A 75g pack of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ has an RRP of £14.60. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details. Or to find local and online stockists, enter your postcode at www.neudorff.co.uk/stockists.html.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products. Neudorff is Germany’s market leader in the slug and snail and ant control sectors, offering products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
outbreaks of mildew on various edible and all ornamental garden plants with its Mildew Clear for Edibles+.
Originally launched ahead of the 2022 season, Mildew Clear for Edibles+ tackles fungal diseases on vegetables, fruit, grape vines and ornamental garden plants, providing consumers with a one-stop solution that effectively controls mildew outbreaks across a wide variety of plants.
Already proving popular amongst greenfingered consumers, Mildew Clear for Edibles+ contains sulphur as its active ingredient, which is delivered as a water dispersible granule formulation.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Mildew Clear for Edibles+ is the answer to gardeners’ prayers, effectively tackling unsightly fungal growth that, left unchecked, can cover the surface of plants and thwart the prospect of a healthy crop or an abundance of flowers. Unlike many other diseases, which spread like wildfire in damp summer conditions, mildew often catches gardeners off guard. This is down to its ability to take hold during periods of fair weather, as its spores contain enough water to germinate on dry plant
surfaces. The sulphur-based formulation of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ is all that gardeners need to bring outbreaks under control and prevent microscopic spores from spreading, helping flowers, fruit and veg to recover and flourish throughout the season,” Guy added.
Powdery mildew is one of the most common diseases to strike plants growing in gardens and on allotments, as well as on patios and balconies. It is prevalent in dry conditions on courgettes, gooseberries, grapes, cucumbers, peas and marrows – while also targeting popular ornamentals such as delphinium, azalea and honeysuckle.
Taking care not to apply too much fertiliser can help to reduce outbreaks of powdery mildew, as young growth is highly susceptible, while allowing plenty of space between plants, and pruning to give an open structure, boosts air circulation and reduces humidity, hindering the disease’s spread. However, outbreaks are so common that Neudorff believes its Mildew Clear for Edibles+ is essential for halting mildews in their
tracks, when applied from spring onwards at the first sign of tell-tale powdery coatings on flowers, leaves and stems.
A 75g pack of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ has an RRP of £14.60. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details. Or to find local and online stockists, enter your postcode at www.neudorff.co.uk/stockists.html.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products. Neudorff is Germany’s market leader in the slug and snail and ant control sectors, offering products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
Press copy
- Neudorff 23 09 - NR - Mildew Clear for Edibles fungicide .pdf
Wipe out weeds with Neudorff’s WeedFree Plus+
With Neudorff’s fast-acting WeedFree Plus+ gardeners can achieve long-lasting control against regrowth of invasive annual and perennial weeds without resorting to using glyphosate.
Available as a handy ready-to-use spray or concentrate, WeedFree Plus+ tackles unwelcome invaders that commonly blight the appearance of gardens, such as ground elder, dandelion, stinging nettles, chickweed, plantain, field horsetail and thistles, as well as grasses.
For gardeners who are striving to cultivate plots in a manner that’s kinder to the environment, WeedFree Plus+ continues to tick all the boxes. In addition to providing fast, visible results, treated areas can also be replanted after just one day while children and pets can enter treated areas as soon as the spray has dried. The formulation is biodegradable, too.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “There has been a distinct shift away from the use of glyphosatebased weedkillers in the garden, and Neudorff’s WeedFree Plus+ offers gardeners a glyphosate-free alternative that doesn’t compromise on performance. Fast acting with visible results within a day after treatment, while providing effective control against weed regrowth, WeedFree Plus+ is a proven winner.
“Additionally, the increasing frequency of mild, wet winters which results in weeds actively growing later into the season, is driving demand for weedkillers that cut the chore of weeding by providing long-lasting results.”
The secret behind WeedFree Plus+ is also Neudorff’s unique combination of two active ingredients. Pelargonic acid, which is found naturally in pelargoniums, results in weeds drying out within 24 hours of treatment while maleic acid hydrazide target
roots so they’re no longer able to carry on growing. The result is a weedkiller that gets to work fast, providing superior control during the major growth cycle of weeds.
Neudorff also has the ultimate solution for ridding paths of moss and algae, which can present a slippery hazard, especially after periods of wet weather. Fast Acting Moss & Algae Killer Concentrate is also based on pelargonic acid, is biodegradable and offers fast, visible results while being 100% glyphosate-free.
A 750ml pack of WeedFree Plus+ has a RRP of £8.75 while a 1,020ml pack of WeedFree Plus Concentrate+ has a RRP of £23.75, and a 1l bottle of Fast Acting Moss & Algae Killer Concentrate has a RRP of £15.99. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk or find online stockists on www.neudorff.co.uk/stockists.html.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the
Available as a handy ready-to-use spray or concentrate, WeedFree Plus+ tackles unwelcome invaders that commonly blight the appearance of gardens, such as ground elder, dandelion, stinging nettles, chickweed, plantain, field horsetail and thistles, as well as grasses.
For gardeners who are striving to cultivate plots in a manner that’s kinder to the environment, WeedFree Plus+ continues to tick all the boxes. In addition to providing fast, visible results, treated areas can also be replanted after just one day while children and pets can enter treated areas as soon as the spray has dried. The formulation is biodegradable, too.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “There has been a distinct shift away from the use of glyphosatebased weedkillers in the garden, and Neudorff’s WeedFree Plus+ offers gardeners a glyphosate-free alternative that doesn’t compromise on performance. Fast acting with visible results within a day after treatment, while providing effective control against weed regrowth, WeedFree Plus+ is a proven winner.
“Additionally, the increasing frequency of mild, wet winters which results in weeds actively growing later into the season, is driving demand for weedkillers that cut the chore of weeding by providing long-lasting results.”
The secret behind WeedFree Plus+ is also Neudorff’s unique combination of two active ingredients. Pelargonic acid, which is found naturally in pelargoniums, results in weeds drying out within 24 hours of treatment while maleic acid hydrazide target
roots so they’re no longer able to carry on growing. The result is a weedkiller that gets to work fast, providing superior control during the major growth cycle of weeds.
Neudorff also has the ultimate solution for ridding paths of moss and algae, which can present a slippery hazard, especially after periods of wet weather. Fast Acting Moss & Algae Killer Concentrate is also based on pelargonic acid, is biodegradable and offers fast, visible results while being 100% glyphosate-free.
A 750ml pack of WeedFree Plus+ has a RRP of £8.75 while a 1,020ml pack of WeedFree Plus Concentrate+ has a RRP of £23.75, and a 1l bottle of Fast Acting Moss & Algae Killer Concentrate has a RRP of £15.99. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk or find online stockists on www.neudorff.co.uk/stockists.html.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the
Press copy
- Neudorff 23 09 - NR - WeedFree Plus .pdf
Control slugs organically this spring with Neudorff
Tackling juvenile slugs and snails as they emerge in spring holds the key to keeping mollusc populations under control and preventing a summer wrecking spree in gardens, raised beds and on allotments, according to the experts at Neudorff.
The company, which has been at the forefront of natural gardening products since 1854, is throwing the spotlight on its Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+. Its unique micro pellets are ideal for taking action against young slugs and snails that make their first appearance early in the year – ensuring this emerging army of munching menaces is
denied the opportunity to feast on tender young flowers, fruit, herbs and vegetables.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “The basis of good gardening is nipping a problem in the bud before it spirals out of control. Applying Neudorff’s Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+ to bare soil around edible and ornamental plants early in the season is the first line of defence against emerging molluscs, which increasingly survive the colder months due to the trend for milder winters. If springtime conditions are wet, the pellets remain effective as they’re resistant to rain, thanks to Neudorff’s innovative bait technology.”
Not only is metaldehyde-free Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+ certified for organic use, but its unique micro pellets offer superb economy, providing more baiting points for highly effective control against all slug species that can damage plants, including the garden slug, Iberian slug, red slug and grey field slug.
With gastropods having been named by the Royal Horticultural Society as the UK’s worst plant pest in 2020/21, Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+ is the first port of call for gardeners who cultivate flowers and edibles in raised beds. While growing above ground level makes gardening easier, molluscs are masters of scaling heights and will rapidly climb wooden sleepers to access any suspended feast, while slug eggs are commonly found in raised bed soil. To assist gardeners in combating the threat, Neudorff’s free online guide is packed with raised bed growing tips, helping gardeners to protect crops from the advancing slimy army.
Molluscs can also be tackled using Neudorff’s Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ which, like Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+, is metaldehyde-free and contains iron phosphate, an iron compound that also occurs naturally. Both products come with the advantage that once slugs have ingested the bait they cease feeding and disappear into their hiding places, so no unsightly mucus trails that were associated with traditional slug
pellets are visible. Plus, the pellets are biodegradable, so any that are unconsumed break down to deliver iron and phosphate into the soil, boosting nutrients available to plants.
A 500g pack of Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ has a RRP of £7.85, while a 650g pack of Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+ has a RRP of £10.50. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details. Or find online stockists on www.neudorff.co.uk/stockists.html.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
The company, which has been at the forefront of natural gardening products since 1854, is throwing the spotlight on its Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+. Its unique micro pellets are ideal for taking action against young slugs and snails that make their first appearance early in the year – ensuring this emerging army of munching menaces is
denied the opportunity to feast on tender young flowers, fruit, herbs and vegetables.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “The basis of good gardening is nipping a problem in the bud before it spirals out of control. Applying Neudorff’s Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+ to bare soil around edible and ornamental plants early in the season is the first line of defence against emerging molluscs, which increasingly survive the colder months due to the trend for milder winters. If springtime conditions are wet, the pellets remain effective as they’re resistant to rain, thanks to Neudorff’s innovative bait technology.”
Not only is metaldehyde-free Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+ certified for organic use, but its unique micro pellets offer superb economy, providing more baiting points for highly effective control against all slug species that can damage plants, including the garden slug, Iberian slug, red slug and grey field slug.
With gastropods having been named by the Royal Horticultural Society as the UK’s worst plant pest in 2020/21, Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+ is the first port of call for gardeners who cultivate flowers and edibles in raised beds. While growing above ground level makes gardening easier, molluscs are masters of scaling heights and will rapidly climb wooden sleepers to access any suspended feast, while slug eggs are commonly found in raised bed soil. To assist gardeners in combating the threat, Neudorff’s free online guide is packed with raised bed growing tips, helping gardeners to protect crops from the advancing slimy army.
Molluscs can also be tackled using Neudorff’s Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ which, like Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+, is metaldehyde-free and contains iron phosphate, an iron compound that also occurs naturally. Both products come with the advantage that once slugs have ingested the bait they cease feeding and disappear into their hiding places, so no unsightly mucus trails that were associated with traditional slug
pellets are visible. Plus, the pellets are biodegradable, so any that are unconsumed break down to deliver iron and phosphate into the soil, boosting nutrients available to plants.
A 500g pack of Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ has a RRP of £7.85, while a 650g pack of Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+ has a RRP of £10.50. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details. Or find online stockists on www.neudorff.co.uk/stockists.html.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
Press copy
- Neudorff 23 09 - NR - Sluggo Slug Snail Killer .pdf
Neudorff’s plant protection awarded “Brand of the Century”
Neudorff, pioneers in the development and manufacture of sustainable products for the garden, has been selected as one of the "Brands of the Century" by renowned publishing group, Zeit. Awarded to great German brands, Neudorff has been bestowed this award by the jury who honoured Neudorff’s outstanding achievements in the area of plant protection in a transparent selection process.
The Zeit jury stated that “Neudorff is emblematic of the entire category of plant protection. The decision is based on a comprehensive, transparent set of rules.”.
Talking about the award win, Sales and Marketing Director at W. Neudorff GmbH KG, Richard von Herman, added: “As an innovative company with a long tradition, we are proud to receive such an exclusive award. This means we are among the crème de la crème of German brands with our category of plant protection.
We have always explored new avenues in the area of environmentally friendly and sustainable plant care with our products and processes, and we are delighted to receive such confirmation of our innovative work stretching back decades.”
The Zeit jury stated that “Neudorff is emblematic of the entire category of plant protection. The decision is based on a comprehensive, transparent set of rules.”.
Talking about the award win, Sales and Marketing Director at W. Neudorff GmbH KG, Richard von Herman, added: “As an innovative company with a long tradition, we are proud to receive such an exclusive award. This means we are among the crème de la crème of German brands with our category of plant protection.
We have always explored new avenues in the area of environmentally friendly and sustainable plant care with our products and processes, and we are delighted to receive such confirmation of our innovative work stretching back decades.”
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- 2210 Brand of the century NR.pdf
Neudorff unveils new-look product portfolio for 2022
Neudorff, pioneer of natural gardening since 1854, is helping retailers to ramp-up sales growth for the 2022 season by unveiling a freshly redesigned product line-up that has been enhanced to leverage maximum sales potential.
The company’s marketing experts have re-engineered bottles and label designs across much of the portfolio – including Neudorff’s leading BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer+ which is a proven sales driver in the plant protection category, as well as Organic Multipurpose Plant Food, Super Strength Seaweed Extract, Neudorff Fast Acting Moss & Algae Killer Concentrate+ and CleanLawn Moss Control for Lawns Concentrate+. The move strengthens Neudorff’s brand identity while making it easier for consumers to recognise and select products that meet their gardening requirements.
Increased use of eye-catching yellow on labelling and bottle caps will further draw consumers’ eyes to the product offering, securing Neudorff’s range the go-to choice for novice and seasoned gardeners alike. Strengthened labelling design is being bolstered with the introduction of new easier-to-handle spray bottles that feature improved orientation, tailored to enhance merchandising opportunities and drive sales at the point of purchase.
The bottle of BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer Concentrate+ is now made from 90% recycled plastic, with more changes to recycled materials to follow. This latest development underpins Neudorff’s ongoing commitment to sustainability across all areas of its business and meeting the needs of eco-savvy consumers who increasingly demand responsibly sourced packaging that’s kind to the environment.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Since entering the UK market in 2012, Neudorff has developed a
first-class reputation for offering stockists the highest quality products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment. The company, however, is not content with resting on its laurels and has undertaken an extensive review of its portfolio, bringing labelling up-to-date to communicate the range’s USPs in an even clearer manner.
“The switch from curved to upright bottles provides the range with a contemporary appeal while a more ergonomic design ensures that each product is easier for the consumer to select and handle. The line-up has evolved but Neudorff’s ethos remains the same: to help stockists meet the needs of consumers who strive to garden in a kinder manner by providing products that build brand loyalty via their effectiveness and efficiency,” Guy added.
Neudorff, which led the market over 20 years ago by using wastepaper for its packaging, believes its enhanced product offering for 2022 will strengthen its reputation as a leader in natural gardening. In line with the company’s philosophy, Neudorff continues to work with active ingredients from plants and other natural resources and does not use glyphosate or neonicotinoids in any of its products.
For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
The company’s marketing experts have re-engineered bottles and label designs across much of the portfolio – including Neudorff’s leading BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer+ which is a proven sales driver in the plant protection category, as well as Organic Multipurpose Plant Food, Super Strength Seaweed Extract, Neudorff Fast Acting Moss & Algae Killer Concentrate+ and CleanLawn Moss Control for Lawns Concentrate+. The move strengthens Neudorff’s brand identity while making it easier for consumers to recognise and select products that meet their gardening requirements.
Increased use of eye-catching yellow on labelling and bottle caps will further draw consumers’ eyes to the product offering, securing Neudorff’s range the go-to choice for novice and seasoned gardeners alike. Strengthened labelling design is being bolstered with the introduction of new easier-to-handle spray bottles that feature improved orientation, tailored to enhance merchandising opportunities and drive sales at the point of purchase.
The bottle of BugFree Bug and Larvae Killer Concentrate+ is now made from 90% recycled plastic, with more changes to recycled materials to follow. This latest development underpins Neudorff’s ongoing commitment to sustainability across all areas of its business and meeting the needs of eco-savvy consumers who increasingly demand responsibly sourced packaging that’s kind to the environment.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Since entering the UK market in 2012, Neudorff has developed a
first-class reputation for offering stockists the highest quality products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment. The company, however, is not content with resting on its laurels and has undertaken an extensive review of its portfolio, bringing labelling up-to-date to communicate the range’s USPs in an even clearer manner.
“The switch from curved to upright bottles provides the range with a contemporary appeal while a more ergonomic design ensures that each product is easier for the consumer to select and handle. The line-up has evolved but Neudorff’s ethos remains the same: to help stockists meet the needs of consumers who strive to garden in a kinder manner by providing products that build brand loyalty via their effectiveness and efficiency,” Guy added.
Neudorff, which led the market over 20 years ago by using wastepaper for its packaging, believes its enhanced product offering for 2022 will strengthen its reputation as a leader in natural gardening. In line with the company’s philosophy, Neudorff continues to work with active ingredients from plants and other natural resources and does not use glyphosate or neonicotinoids in any of its products.
For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
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- 2202 BugFree new packaging and solutions for gardeners NR.pdf
Neudorff invests to ignite sales of organic liquid fertilisers
Neudorff, pioneer of natural gardening since 1854, is investing in online content to nurture the next generation of consumers, in a move that will help garden centre retailers to attract a younger demographic with phenomenal spending power.
The German pioneer of plant protection and plant care products is expanding its free online guides and ‘how-to’ videos for 2022, to inspire and boost the confidence of millions of fledgling gardeners while driving demand for its organic fertiliser range.
Set to feature on Neudorff’s website and YouTube channel, content will highlight the USPs of the company’s portfolio focusing on key topics such as how to plant roses, easy grow-your-own crops including peppers and cultivation of Italian herbs. Videos and projects will highlight the benefits of Neudorff’s redesigned organic liquid and solid fertiliser offering, including the solid Organic Multipurpose Plant Food as well as the liquid Organic Multipurpose Plant Feed, Organic Tomato Feed, Organic Rose Feed and Super Strength Seaweed Extract.
Fresh online content will also focus on how to create bee-friendly balconies, building on the success of Neudorff’s 2021 activities, which targeted consumers who may be renting a property or have limited space to grow flowers, fruit and vegetables. Previous topics that promoted fertiliser sales included building raised beds and growing potatoes and strawberries on patios and balconies.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “For decades, the garden retail sector has been deliberating over how to attract a younger, cash-rich but time-poor demographic that is keen to engage
in horticulture but often lacks confidence. It is well known that gardening skills are no longer being passed down through family generations. By investing in producing free video content and project pages that can easily be accessed and shared online, Neudorff is helping to promote fertiliser sales to a wider audience. Greater engagement with consumers is an essential element of the company’s mission to help UK retailers expand sales of organic fertilisers to a generation that has sustainability and environmental awareness at the core of their purchasing decisions.”
Neudorff’s commitment to expanding its offering of free videos and online projects will build on the success of previous online features, such as ‘What you need to know about aphids’. New content will reinforce the message that regular feeding is essential for healthy flowers, fruit and vegetables – arming consumers with the knowledge to head to stores and select liquid and solid organic fertilisers from Neudorff’s leading range.
For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
The German pioneer of plant protection and plant care products is expanding its free online guides and ‘how-to’ videos for 2022, to inspire and boost the confidence of millions of fledgling gardeners while driving demand for its organic fertiliser range.
Set to feature on Neudorff’s website and YouTube channel, content will highlight the USPs of the company’s portfolio focusing on key topics such as how to plant roses, easy grow-your-own crops including peppers and cultivation of Italian herbs. Videos and projects will highlight the benefits of Neudorff’s redesigned organic liquid and solid fertiliser offering, including the solid Organic Multipurpose Plant Food as well as the liquid Organic Multipurpose Plant Feed, Organic Tomato Feed, Organic Rose Feed and Super Strength Seaweed Extract.
Fresh online content will also focus on how to create bee-friendly balconies, building on the success of Neudorff’s 2021 activities, which targeted consumers who may be renting a property or have limited space to grow flowers, fruit and vegetables. Previous topics that promoted fertiliser sales included building raised beds and growing potatoes and strawberries on patios and balconies.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “For decades, the garden retail sector has been deliberating over how to attract a younger, cash-rich but time-poor demographic that is keen to engage
in horticulture but often lacks confidence. It is well known that gardening skills are no longer being passed down through family generations. By investing in producing free video content and project pages that can easily be accessed and shared online, Neudorff is helping to promote fertiliser sales to a wider audience. Greater engagement with consumers is an essential element of the company’s mission to help UK retailers expand sales of organic fertilisers to a generation that has sustainability and environmental awareness at the core of their purchasing decisions.”
Neudorff’s commitment to expanding its offering of free videos and online projects will build on the success of previous online features, such as ‘What you need to know about aphids’. New content will reinforce the message that regular feeding is essential for healthy flowers, fruit and vegetables – arming consumers with the knowledge to head to stores and select liquid and solid organic fertilisers from Neudorff’s leading range.
For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
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Neudorff and DLF Seeds lead the way in top quality lawncare
The combined, market-leading lawncare offering from natural gardening pioneer Neudorff and DLF Seeds, parent company of Johnsons Lawn Seed, is poised to help retailers to maximise potential in lawncare categories this season.
The natural synergy between both companies was evident when DLF Seeds was appointed exclusive UK distributor for Neudorff in 2019. Now, working as a combined force, both firms’ lawncare portfolios tap into the latest consumer trends for organic lawn fertilisers that are easy and safe to use in the vicinity of children and pets – while offering a class-leading range of lawn seed that germinates rapidly and delivers exceptional performance.
The importance of a well-stocked, expertly merchandised lawncare department has been further highlighted by the latest research from the Horticultural Trades Association. The study revealed that grass is the most commonly found feature in UK gardens, reinforcing the need for innovation to power the buoyant sector forward.
Retailers are already benefitting from the convenience of being able to source Johnsons Lawn Seed’s acclaimed grass seed portfolio and Neudorff’s leading lawncare range, including Organic CleanLawn, from a single supplier.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Heightened demand has been evident across the garden retail sector over the last year, underpinning the importance of sourcing lawncare stock from a supplier with a fine-tuned distribution network that has proven its ability to meet retailers’ needs even in the most turbulent of times. By combining forces, Johnsons Lawn Seed and Neudorff has created a one-stop shop to keep stockists replenished with the latest innovation in lawncare, helping retailers to capitalise on consumers’ insatiable appetite for perfecting outdoor living areas.”
As we head towards the 2022 lawncare season, Neudorff, pioneers in natural gardening, will be tapping into the growing trend for natural lawncare with its Organic CleanLawn, a three-in-one organic fertiliser that clearly communicates its benefits – thicker, greener and a more drought-resistant lawn – to consumers. The innovative formulation, which has an indirect action against moss and weeds, also taps into the trend for low-maintenance gardening, as no scarifying is necessary.
Organic CleanLawn, in its stand-out green-and-yellow Neudorff livery, is ideal for merchandising alongside Johnsons Lawn Seed’s extensive grass seed portfolio, providing consumers with everything they require to sow and maintain a first-rate lawn. With more than 200 years’ experience at the cutting edge of lawn seed technology, the Johnsons range comprises the innovative new Tuffgrass with Dog Patch Resistance as well as proven sellers such as Luxury Lawn, Lawn Thickener, Shady Place and After Moss Lawn Seed.
For more information about Neudorff and Johnsons Lawn Seed’s leading lawncare ranges visit www.neudorff.co.uk and www.johnsonslawnseed.com.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up a reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
The natural synergy between both companies was evident when DLF Seeds was appointed exclusive UK distributor for Neudorff in 2019. Now, working as a combined force, both firms’ lawncare portfolios tap into the latest consumer trends for organic lawn fertilisers that are easy and safe to use in the vicinity of children and pets – while offering a class-leading range of lawn seed that germinates rapidly and delivers exceptional performance.
The importance of a well-stocked, expertly merchandised lawncare department has been further highlighted by the latest research from the Horticultural Trades Association. The study revealed that grass is the most commonly found feature in UK gardens, reinforcing the need for innovation to power the buoyant sector forward.
Retailers are already benefitting from the convenience of being able to source Johnsons Lawn Seed’s acclaimed grass seed portfolio and Neudorff’s leading lawncare range, including Organic CleanLawn, from a single supplier.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Heightened demand has been evident across the garden retail sector over the last year, underpinning the importance of sourcing lawncare stock from a supplier with a fine-tuned distribution network that has proven its ability to meet retailers’ needs even in the most turbulent of times. By combining forces, Johnsons Lawn Seed and Neudorff has created a one-stop shop to keep stockists replenished with the latest innovation in lawncare, helping retailers to capitalise on consumers’ insatiable appetite for perfecting outdoor living areas.”
As we head towards the 2022 lawncare season, Neudorff, pioneers in natural gardening, will be tapping into the growing trend for natural lawncare with its Organic CleanLawn, a three-in-one organic fertiliser that clearly communicates its benefits – thicker, greener and a more drought-resistant lawn – to consumers. The innovative formulation, which has an indirect action against moss and weeds, also taps into the trend for low-maintenance gardening, as no scarifying is necessary.
Organic CleanLawn, in its stand-out green-and-yellow Neudorff livery, is ideal for merchandising alongside Johnsons Lawn Seed’s extensive grass seed portfolio, providing consumers with everything they require to sow and maintain a first-rate lawn. With more than 200 years’ experience at the cutting edge of lawn seed technology, the Johnsons range comprises the innovative new Tuffgrass with Dog Patch Resistance as well as proven sellers such as Luxury Lawn, Lawn Thickener, Shady Place and After Moss Lawn Seed.
For more information about Neudorff and Johnsons Lawn Seed’s leading lawncare ranges visit www.neudorff.co.uk and www.johnsonslawnseed.com.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up a reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
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Neudorff helps retailers to drive sales of lawn moss killers
A season of high rainfall is set to ignite the market for lawn moss killers as the spring lawncare season gets underway – according to the experts at Neudorff, which has been at the forefront of developing natural gardening products since 1854.
A classically wet winter, combined with compacted lawns from heavy wear during the pandemic, has created an ideal environment for moss to thrive. This has prompted Neudorff to issue a call to action to retailers, to ensure that lawncare categories are stocked to the max with top-selling moss remedies in time for the anticipated rush in demand.
Leading the charge against moss infestations is Neudorff’s CleanLawn Moss Control for Lawns Concentrate+. Biodegradable and based on the active ingredient pelargonic acid, this driver of brand loyalty offers fast, visible results.
New for the 2022 season, curved bottles are being replaced by an ergonomic, upright design that’s easier to handle, while revised labelling reinforces the glyphosate-free message and drives awareness of the moss killer’s fast action.
To help retailers to capitalise on growth in the natural lawns sector, Neudorff is also throwing the spotlight on its innovative Organic CleanLawn. In line with the company’s ethos of supplying products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment, the 3-in-1 organic fertiliser is derived from natural raw materials.
Organic CleanLawn packaging, sporting Neudorff’s distinctive yellow and green livery, clearly communicates how the formulation leads to strong lawns that suppress moss and weeds. Packaging also throws the spotlight on key benefits – a thicker, greener and more drought-resistant lawn – ramping-up the sales appeal at the point
of purchase. Prominent indication of Organic CleanLawn’s natural, safe and effective ingredients, and reassurance that the formulation is child and pet safe, further enhance its appeal to eco-savvy consumers.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “During this year we have seen increased media focus on novel ways to maintain quality lawns without the use of traditional chemicals. Neudorff has been leading the transition towards organic and natural lawncare and new ergonomically designed concentrate bottles with enhanced labelling will accelerate purchases of lawncare remedies based on natural, raw materials – especially as the UK is currently witnessing ideal conditions for moss to thrive in domestic lawns.”
CleanLawn Moss Control for Lawns Concentrate+ has a RRP of £3.50 for an 1L bottle, while Organic CleanLawn has a RRP of £11.99 for a 2.5kg pack, or £31.50 for an 8kg pack. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
A classically wet winter, combined with compacted lawns from heavy wear during the pandemic, has created an ideal environment for moss to thrive. This has prompted Neudorff to issue a call to action to retailers, to ensure that lawncare categories are stocked to the max with top-selling moss remedies in time for the anticipated rush in demand.
Leading the charge against moss infestations is Neudorff’s CleanLawn Moss Control for Lawns Concentrate+. Biodegradable and based on the active ingredient pelargonic acid, this driver of brand loyalty offers fast, visible results.
New for the 2022 season, curved bottles are being replaced by an ergonomic, upright design that’s easier to handle, while revised labelling reinforces the glyphosate-free message and drives awareness of the moss killer’s fast action.
To help retailers to capitalise on growth in the natural lawns sector, Neudorff is also throwing the spotlight on its innovative Organic CleanLawn. In line with the company’s ethos of supplying products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment, the 3-in-1 organic fertiliser is derived from natural raw materials.
Organic CleanLawn packaging, sporting Neudorff’s distinctive yellow and green livery, clearly communicates how the formulation leads to strong lawns that suppress moss and weeds. Packaging also throws the spotlight on key benefits – a thicker, greener and more drought-resistant lawn – ramping-up the sales appeal at the point
of purchase. Prominent indication of Organic CleanLawn’s natural, safe and effective ingredients, and reassurance that the formulation is child and pet safe, further enhance its appeal to eco-savvy consumers.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “During this year we have seen increased media focus on novel ways to maintain quality lawns without the use of traditional chemicals. Neudorff has been leading the transition towards organic and natural lawncare and new ergonomically designed concentrate bottles with enhanced labelling will accelerate purchases of lawncare remedies based on natural, raw materials – especially as the UK is currently witnessing ideal conditions for moss to thrive in domestic lawns.”
CleanLawn Moss Control for Lawns Concentrate+ has a RRP of £3.50 for an 1L bottle, while Organic CleanLawn has a RRP of £11.99 for a 2.5kg pack, or £31.50 for an 8kg pack. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
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- 2202 How to get a moss-free lawn with Neudorff NR.pdf
New fungicide joins Neudorff’s plant protection range
Neudorff, pioneer of natural gardening products since 1854, is set to drive growth in the buoyant plant protection category with the launch of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ – new for the 2022 season.
First unveiled at Glee 2021, Mildew Clear for Edibles+ tackles fungal diseases on vegetables, fruit, grape vines and ornamental garden plants, providing consumers with a one-stop solution that effectively controls mildew outbreaks across a wide variety of plants.
The latest news from Neudorff, carrying the company’s iconic sunflower logo on its eye-catching packaging, contains sulphur as its active ingredient, which is delivered as a water dispersible granule formulation.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “It has been well documented that millions have taken up gardening during the pandemic; however, as the world now opens up again post-Covid, it’s essential that we keep the next generation of green-fingered enthusiasts hooked. Diseases that rapidly devastate flowers and cause edible crops to fail are the single biggest cause of fledgling gardeners abandoning their horticultural journey – and that’s why Neudorff has once again innovated to bring a new product to market that will help gardeners to remedy one of the most common plant diseases with ease.
Mildew Clear for Edibles+ will assist retailers to expand sales in plant protection categories while providing novice and experienced consumers alike with an instant solution to fungal diseases on vegetables, fruit and flowers. The iconic Neudorff sunflower logo on the packaging, combined with inspiring imagery of healthy crops, will drive sales at the point of purchase by instilling confidence into consumers who are seeking an efficient and effective solution to mildew outbreaks. Expanding the range of products that are gentle to the environment is in Neudorff’s DNA and the introduction of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ further strengthens the company’s leading portfolio while handing retailers another tool to increase basket spend.”
Packs of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ contain five 15g sachets of the water-soluble formulation that will tackle mildew on common host crops such as cucumber, gooseberry and pea, as well as root and tuber vegetables including carrot, celeriac, chicory, horseradish, parsnip, potato, radish, swede and turnip. It is effective on ornamental garden plants such as roses, which are one of the nation’s favourite flowers but remain susceptible to powdery mildew outbreaks.
A 75g pack of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ has a RRP of £14.60. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
First unveiled at Glee 2021, Mildew Clear for Edibles+ tackles fungal diseases on vegetables, fruit, grape vines and ornamental garden plants, providing consumers with a one-stop solution that effectively controls mildew outbreaks across a wide variety of plants.
The latest news from Neudorff, carrying the company’s iconic sunflower logo on its eye-catching packaging, contains sulphur as its active ingredient, which is delivered as a water dispersible granule formulation.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “It has been well documented that millions have taken up gardening during the pandemic; however, as the world now opens up again post-Covid, it’s essential that we keep the next generation of green-fingered enthusiasts hooked. Diseases that rapidly devastate flowers and cause edible crops to fail are the single biggest cause of fledgling gardeners abandoning their horticultural journey – and that’s why Neudorff has once again innovated to bring a new product to market that will help gardeners to remedy one of the most common plant diseases with ease.
Mildew Clear for Edibles+ will assist retailers to expand sales in plant protection categories while providing novice and experienced consumers alike with an instant solution to fungal diseases on vegetables, fruit and flowers. The iconic Neudorff sunflower logo on the packaging, combined with inspiring imagery of healthy crops, will drive sales at the point of purchase by instilling confidence into consumers who are seeking an efficient and effective solution to mildew outbreaks. Expanding the range of products that are gentle to the environment is in Neudorff’s DNA and the introduction of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ further strengthens the company’s leading portfolio while handing retailers another tool to increase basket spend.”
Packs of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ contain five 15g sachets of the water-soluble formulation that will tackle mildew on common host crops such as cucumber, gooseberry and pea, as well as root and tuber vegetables including carrot, celeriac, chicory, horseradish, parsnip, potato, radish, swede and turnip. It is effective on ornamental garden plants such as roses, which are one of the nation’s favourite flowers but remain susceptible to powdery mildew outbreaks.
A 75g pack of Mildew Clear for Edibles+ has a RRP of £14.60. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
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Neudorff – the award-winning sustainable gardening pioneer
Sustainability may be the buzzword throughout the garden industry but for Neudorff, developing products in harmony with nature has always run in the company’s DNA. In fact, the business has been pioneering the development of natural gardening products since 1854 – and its quest to bring to market products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment remains at the forefront of its drive for innovation.
Neudorff, which is launching its new sulphur-based Mildew Clear for Edibles+ at Glee (NEC Birmingham, 14-16 September), has become synonymous with natural gardening since entering the UK market in 2012, due to its unwavering commitment to working with active ingredients from plants and other natural resources wherever possible.
This long-standing commitment to exceeding the demands of environmentally conscious consumers was honoured last year when Neudorff was crowned the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2021, in the category ‘Transformation Resources’. Neudorff championed over stiff competition due to its holistic approach to environmentally friendly product development – while demonstrating clear leadership in resource-conserving production.
In a move that will further strengthen its environmental credentials, Neudorff’s full 250ml concentrate bottles are being converted to a more environmentally friendly material, 90% recycled plastic. This move will see an annual saving of around 7.5 tons of CO2 – the equivalent of planting 600 beech trees. This in turn will enable the company to cut its use of virgin plastics by 4.7 tons per year (that’s enough plastic to produce 11,000 watering cans) and, of course, all of Neudorff’s bottles are 100% recyclable, reinforcing the company’s commitment to closed loop manufacturing.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Since its foundation more than 165 years ago, Neudorff’s mission has been to develop products that harness the power of nature and leave a minimal footprint on the planet. The fact that Neudorff has the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association underpins its dedication to helping garden retail achieve unprecedented levels of sustainability.
Twenty years ago, Neudorff led the market by repurposing wastepaper for its packaging and to this day it strives to use renewable, local raw materials wherever possible. Electricity is generated using hydropower and photovoltaics while the company utilises waste heat from a nearby biogas plant, allowing it to save around 350,000kWh of natural gas per year. With sustainability enshrined into the core of its activities, every aspect of the business is continually scrutinised to develop innovative resource-saving solutions and Neudorff is proud to strive towards ambitious goals to further reduce its carbon footprint,” Guy explained.
For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
Neudorff, which is launching its new sulphur-based Mildew Clear for Edibles+ at Glee (NEC Birmingham, 14-16 September), has become synonymous with natural gardening since entering the UK market in 2012, due to its unwavering commitment to working with active ingredients from plants and other natural resources wherever possible.
This long-standing commitment to exceeding the demands of environmentally conscious consumers was honoured last year when Neudorff was crowned the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2021, in the category ‘Transformation Resources’. Neudorff championed over stiff competition due to its holistic approach to environmentally friendly product development – while demonstrating clear leadership in resource-conserving production.
In a move that will further strengthen its environmental credentials, Neudorff’s full 250ml concentrate bottles are being converted to a more environmentally friendly material, 90% recycled plastic. This move will see an annual saving of around 7.5 tons of CO2 – the equivalent of planting 600 beech trees. This in turn will enable the company to cut its use of virgin plastics by 4.7 tons per year (that’s enough plastic to produce 11,000 watering cans) and, of course, all of Neudorff’s bottles are 100% recyclable, reinforcing the company’s commitment to closed loop manufacturing.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Since its foundation more than 165 years ago, Neudorff’s mission has been to develop products that harness the power of nature and leave a minimal footprint on the planet. The fact that Neudorff has the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association underpins its dedication to helping garden retail achieve unprecedented levels of sustainability.
Twenty years ago, Neudorff led the market by repurposing wastepaper for its packaging and to this day it strives to use renewable, local raw materials wherever possible. Electricity is generated using hydropower and photovoltaics while the company utilises waste heat from a nearby biogas plant, allowing it to save around 350,000kWh of natural gas per year. With sustainability enshrined into the core of its activities, every aspect of the business is continually scrutinised to develop innovative resource-saving solutions and Neudorff is proud to strive towards ambitious goals to further reduce its carbon footprint,” Guy explained.
For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
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- Neudorff – the award-winning sustainable gardening pioneer
Neudorff’s new sustainability report
Neudorff is proud to publish its latest sustainability report – making it one of the few medium-sized companies in the green sector to do so in recent years. The current version of the digital “Magazine for Sustainability 2020” can be found online at www.neudorff.co.uk/sustainability. The report is based on the 17 goals for sustainable development defined by the United Nations. Sustainability is in Neudorff’s DNA. The manufacturer of environmentally friendly plant care products has been working assiduously for many years to become increasingly sustainable in all areas of the company. Part of this process has been to define goals and conduct regular reviews on what has already been achieved. The current Magazine for Sustainability informs employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders on the company’s activities, its vision and ongoing goals. A summary of the Neudorff Sustainability report includes the company’s medium-term goal is to lower its own CO2 footprint, as well as continuing to protect resources by committing to increasing the amount of raw materials it uses that are of a domestic, or even regional, origin. The report also outlines how Neudorff has also already achieved climate-neutral production at all its facilities through the generation of its own green energy and, where applicable, will continue to offset unavoidable emissions with climate protection certificates. Elsewhere, Neudorff highlights its use of hydropower, photovoltaics and combined heat and power to generate the energy its uses in its manufacturing process, with the report also outlining the company’s ongoing conversion of its company vehicle fleet to electromobility. Additionally, the company takes its responsibilities as an employer very seriously and within the Sustainability report explains more about this, including how each year it provides a training programme for young people, employing, on average, two thirds of them. As a company driven by equality, the report also showcases the proportion of women in managerial positions at Neudorff, which currentlystands at 35%; 7% higher than the German average according to Statista*.
The full report can be read here.
The full report can be read here.
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- Neudorff’s new sustainability report
Neudorff wins the German Sustainability Award 2021
The German Sustainability Award 2021 in the category ‘Transformation Resources’ has been awarded to Neudorff, the leading manufacturer of environmentally friendly products for plant care and natural gardening. The medium-sized company triumphed over reputable competitors due to its holistic approach to environmentally friendly product ranges and resource-conserving production.
Hans-Martin Lohmann, Managing Director of Neudorff, received the prestigious award at the live event on 4 December, which took place digitally this year. He said: “This award is a high-level appreciation of our efforts in recent years and an incentive to operate even more sustainably in as many areas of the company as possible in the future. I am particularly pleased for our employees, without whom this would not have been possible. It is an incentive for us to continue in this direction.”
The German Sustainability Award is the most comprehensive accolade of its kind in Europe. For the thirteenth time, business enterprises were called upon to enter the competition, demonstrating their effective contributions to transformation in the important
areas of climate, resources, biodiversity and society.
Neudorff has already implemented numerous resource-saving processes, produces its own electricity using hydropower and photovoltaics and channels substantial investment into sustainable production processes and sustainable packaging. Neudorff's medium-term goals are to reduce the company's carbon footprint even further, to draw up additional carbon-reduction plans for products, and to find even more resource-saving solutions in all areas of its operations. Neudorff is planning to expand its decentralised power supply and further increase the energy efficiency of its production facilities.
Hans-Martin Lohmann, Managing Director of Neudorff, received the prestigious award at the live event on 4 December, which took place digitally this year. He said: “This award is a high-level appreciation of our efforts in recent years and an incentive to operate even more sustainably in as many areas of the company as possible in the future. I am particularly pleased for our employees, without whom this would not have been possible. It is an incentive for us to continue in this direction.”
The German Sustainability Award is the most comprehensive accolade of its kind in Europe. For the thirteenth time, business enterprises were called upon to enter the competition, demonstrating their effective contributions to transformation in the important
areas of climate, resources, biodiversity and society.
Neudorff has already implemented numerous resource-saving processes, produces its own electricity using hydropower and photovoltaics and channels substantial investment into sustainable production processes and sustainable packaging. Neudorff's medium-term goals are to reduce the company's carbon footprint even further, to draw up additional carbon-reduction plans for products, and to find even more resource-saving solutions in all areas of its operations. Neudorff is planning to expand its decentralised power supply and further increase the energy efficiency of its production facilities.
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- Neudorff finalist in German Sustainability Award NR 20 09.pdf
Neudorff’s Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ is set to help gardeners grow bumper crops of pest-free strawberries in tiny spaces
For the nation’s gardeners, the intensely sweet and juicy taste of sun-ripened, home-grown strawberries represents the very essence of high summer. This season, nurturing a mouth-watering crop from pot to plate is set to be easier than ever before, thanks to help from the experts at Neudorff.
The company, a pioneer of plant care and plant protection products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment, recognises that increasing numbers of gardeners are keen to cultivate strawberries organically in pots and containers, despite only having access to small growing spaces such as balconies or patios.
With almost three million people in the UK reported to have taken up gardening during Covid-19 lockdowns, Neudorff’s new free online guide, Delicious strawberries grown on your balcony, will help novices to nurture their first succulent crop while providing timely, seasonal tips and advice for experienced gardeners, too. The handy guide (www.neudorff.co.uk/strawberries) offers expert advice on all aspects of strawberry-growing, from planting to feeding, watering and dealing with ‘runners’ – those long shoots on which baby strawberry plants appear.
As slugs and snails are just as partial to sweet strawberries as gardeners, Neudorff, which has the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers & Growers’ Association (OF&G), is throwing the spotlight on its Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+, which effectively controls munching molluscs on all types of fruit, vegetables and ornamental plants in gardens and on allotments.
Certified by the OF&G, the methaldehyde-free Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ should be the first port of call for any gardener on a mission to grow strawberries organically this season. Not only is the product extremely resistant to rain, thanks to its innovative bait technology, but it ensures that no dead slugs or slime trails are visible on the soil surface.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Strawberries are the most anticipated crop of summer – supermarket bought punnets do not come close in terms of flavour, while it’s a sustainable crop to grow as plants bear fruit for several years. It is no surprise that slugs and snails make a beeline for these sweet treats and, left uncontrolled, can devour crops. Tiny growing spaces such as pots on patios are just as susceptible to slug and snail attack as garden-grown crops. That’s why Neudorff’s Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ is a vital weapon in every gardener’s armoury – whether they’re growing fruit, vegetables or flowers.”
For ultimate protection, Neudorff offers Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+, which covers double the area. Its unique micro pellets are ideal against juvenile molluscs in spring.
RRPs for Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ start at £7.85 for a 500g bottle. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details. Or to find local and online stockists, enter your postcode at https://www.neudorff.co.uk/stockists.html.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products. Neudorff is Germany’s market leader in the slug and snail and ant control sectors, offering products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
Word count: 534
Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
The company, a pioneer of plant care and plant protection products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment, recognises that increasing numbers of gardeners are keen to cultivate strawberries organically in pots and containers, despite only having access to small growing spaces such as balconies or patios.
With almost three million people in the UK reported to have taken up gardening during Covid-19 lockdowns, Neudorff’s new free online guide, Delicious strawberries grown on your balcony, will help novices to nurture their first succulent crop while providing timely, seasonal tips and advice for experienced gardeners, too. The handy guide (www.neudorff.co.uk/strawberries) offers expert advice on all aspects of strawberry-growing, from planting to feeding, watering and dealing with ‘runners’ – those long shoots on which baby strawberry plants appear.
As slugs and snails are just as partial to sweet strawberries as gardeners, Neudorff, which has the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers & Growers’ Association (OF&G), is throwing the spotlight on its Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+, which effectively controls munching molluscs on all types of fruit, vegetables and ornamental plants in gardens and on allotments.
Certified by the OF&G, the methaldehyde-free Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ should be the first port of call for any gardener on a mission to grow strawberries organically this season. Not only is the product extremely resistant to rain, thanks to its innovative bait technology, but it ensures that no dead slugs or slime trails are visible on the soil surface.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Strawberries are the most anticipated crop of summer – supermarket bought punnets do not come close in terms of flavour, while it’s a sustainable crop to grow as plants bear fruit for several years. It is no surprise that slugs and snails make a beeline for these sweet treats and, left uncontrolled, can devour crops. Tiny growing spaces such as pots on patios are just as susceptible to slug and snail attack as garden-grown crops. That’s why Neudorff’s Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ is a vital weapon in every gardener’s armoury – whether they’re growing fruit, vegetables or flowers.”
For ultimate protection, Neudorff offers Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer Ultra+, which covers double the area. Its unique micro pellets are ideal against juvenile molluscs in spring.
RRPs for Sluggo Slug & Snail Killer+ start at £7.85 for a 500g bottle. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details. Or to find local and online stockists, enter your postcode at https://www.neudorff.co.uk/stockists.html.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products. Neudorff is Germany’s market leader in the slug and snail and ant control sectors, offering products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.
Word count: 534
Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Press copy
- Neudorff 21 02 - NR - Protect precious strawberries with Neudorff s Sluggo Slug Snail Killer.pdf
Neudorff announces climate-neutral production
Neudorff, manufacturer of environmentally friendly products for plant care and natural gardening, has achieved its ambition of becoming climate-neutral at all of its production sites.
A combination of resource-saving production processes, in addition to the company's own energy generation through photovoltaics, hydropower and a combined heat and power plant, have helped the gardening pioneer to turn its climate-neutral target into reality. It is compensating for additional emissions that are still generated by supporting a climate protection project in Rwanda.
Neudorff has many roof areas that are used for photovoltaic systems, and the old mill produces power from the Emmer river, thanks to a modern turbine.
These and many other measures have enabled the medium-sized, owneroperated company to significantly reduce its carbon footprint. But until now, the goal of climate-neutral production had not yet been fully achieved. This is why the company is announcing its support of the Virunga Mountain Gorilla Project; a scheme based near the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.
Of roughly 1000 mountain gorillas left in the world, around 600 live in the Virunga Mountains in this park. The neighbouring villagers gather wood for their cooking fires every day in the national park. Deforestation of the rainforest has endangered mountain gorillas living in this area, while there is also a risk of infection posed by the proximity to humans.
To enhance protection for gorrillas living in the region, up to 50,000 households around the national park will be supplied
with a low-priced cooker made in Rwanda.
The cooker uses a third of the firewood required for a traditional open fireplace.
Use of this cooker will reduce CO2 emissions, while locals will require less wood and therefore spend less time and money on its procurement. Children can go to school and families have more time to increase their income by selling homemade baskets and other goods.
Neudorff, which has a proven track record in supporting conservation initiatives, is dedicated to backing the Virunga Mountain Gorilla Project – an initiative that supports 10 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations – while its commitment to the project will compensate for any surplus emissions that arise from the company’s production processes. Neudorff remains committed to achieving even greater levels of sustainability in the future and its support of the Rwanda project represents a significant milestone in the company’s ambition to set new benchmarks for environmental protection.
Neudorff products are available at UK garden centres.
Further information about Neudorff and its range of products for natural gardening can be found at
A combination of resource-saving production processes, in addition to the company's own energy generation through photovoltaics, hydropower and a combined heat and power plant, have helped the gardening pioneer to turn its climate-neutral target into reality. It is compensating for additional emissions that are still generated by supporting a climate protection project in Rwanda.
Neudorff has many roof areas that are used for photovoltaic systems, and the old mill produces power from the Emmer river, thanks to a modern turbine.
These and many other measures have enabled the medium-sized, owneroperated company to significantly reduce its carbon footprint. But until now, the goal of climate-neutral production had not yet been fully achieved. This is why the company is announcing its support of the Virunga Mountain Gorilla Project; a scheme based near the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.
Of roughly 1000 mountain gorillas left in the world, around 600 live in the Virunga Mountains in this park. The neighbouring villagers gather wood for their cooking fires every day in the national park. Deforestation of the rainforest has endangered mountain gorillas living in this area, while there is also a risk of infection posed by the proximity to humans.
To enhance protection for gorrillas living in the region, up to 50,000 households around the national park will be supplied
with a low-priced cooker made in Rwanda.
The cooker uses a third of the firewood required for a traditional open fireplace.
Use of this cooker will reduce CO2 emissions, while locals will require less wood and therefore spend less time and money on its procurement. Children can go to school and families have more time to increase their income by selling homemade baskets and other goods.
Neudorff, which has a proven track record in supporting conservation initiatives, is dedicated to backing the Virunga Mountain Gorilla Project – an initiative that supports 10 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations – while its commitment to the project will compensate for any surplus emissions that arise from the company’s production processes. Neudorff remains committed to achieving even greater levels of sustainability in the future and its support of the Rwanda project represents a significant milestone in the company’s ambition to set new benchmarks for environmental protection.
Neudorff products are available at UK garden centres.
Further information about Neudorff and its range of products for natural gardening can be found at
Press copy
- Neudorff 20 19 - NR - Neudorff achieves climate-neutral production.pdf
Neudorff is a finalist in the German Sustainability Award
Neudorff, manufacturer of environmentally friendly products for plant care and natural gardening, will enter the finals in the category
"Transformation Resources".
The award honours business enterprises that make effective contributions to transformation in the important fields of climate, resources, biodiversity and society. The award has been presented in cooperation with the Federal Government since 2008. This year’s winners will be announced on December 4th, 2020.
Neudorff, long known for its activities in the field of sustainability, makes special efforts to produce its products in a resource-conserving manner. For example, the company’s manufacturing operation is already completely carbon-neutral.
There are many individual factors that make up the company's proven track record in sustainability. For example, much of Neudorff's product packaging has been made of recycled paper for some time, while bottles and foils contain more and more recycled material. The fleet of company cars is currently being converted to electric and hybrid drives, and charging points with green electricity are available to all employees free of charge.
"Transformation Resources".
The award honours business enterprises that make effective contributions to transformation in the important fields of climate, resources, biodiversity and society. The award has been presented in cooperation with the Federal Government since 2008. This year’s winners will be announced on December 4th, 2020.
Neudorff, long known for its activities in the field of sustainability, makes special efforts to produce its products in a resource-conserving manner. For example, the company’s manufacturing operation is already completely carbon-neutral.
There are many individual factors that make up the company's proven track record in sustainability. For example, much of Neudorff's product packaging has been made of recycled paper for some time, while bottles and foils contain more and more recycled material. The fleet of company cars is currently being converted to electric and hybrid drives, and charging points with green electricity are available to all employees free of charge.
Press copy
- Neudorff finalist in German Sustainability Award NR 20 09.pdf
The purr-fect remedy that gardeners have been waiting for! Neudorff’s Super Strength Cat Repellent offers long-lasting protection from fouling
Britain is a nation of cat-lovers, with an estimated population of 10.9million pet cats*. But when neighbourhood pets foul flower beds and vegetable plots, gardeners see red. However, green fingered enthusiasts need not despair, as Neudorff’s Super Strength Cat Repellent can resolve the problem in a whisker - helping to prevent fur flying by humanely deterring moggies from soiling precious plots.
With 24% of UK adults owning a cat*, neighbourhood disputes over the fouling of gardens are commonplace. The mess left by cats isn’t just an unpleasant nuisance that gardeners must clean up, but it also presents a health risk to humans, as cat faeces can carry a harmful parasite called Toxoplasma. According to a report by animal charity PDSA, 67% of cat owners with two or more cats provide only one or no litter trays, while 71% of cats live both inside and outdoors, raising the potential for trouble when neighbouring gardens are used as toilets.
The long-lasting odour of Neudorff’s Super Strength Cat Repellent holds the key to effectively discouraging moggies from gardens by masking territorial markings left by cats. Cats dislike foreign smells within their territory, and the repellent’s garlic extract ingredient results in the animals avoiding treated areas and going elsewhere.
Super Strength Cat Repellent forms a key element of Neudorff’s product line-up for eco-conscious gardeners – a range of products inspired by nature that respects nature, too. In line with the company’s ethos of offering products that do not pollute or damage the environment, the repellent is made from pure plant-based oils that are encapsulated in clay-based mineral granules.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “The problem of cats fouling gardens is the nation’s number one gardening groan, but it’s an issue that’s easily resolved with the simple and quick application of Super Strength Cat Repellent. By providing a long-lasting odour, the repellent targets cats’ natural, instinctive behaviour, persuading the animal to seek out other areas to do its business. The persistent scent will protect areas for three to four weeks, depending on the weather. The outcome is a win win situation for both gardeners and cat-lovers.”
The repellent can also be applied to effectively keep cats away from areas where wild birds are commonly seen. According to the Mammal Society, cats in the UK alone catch up to 275million prey items per year, of which 27million are birds. The organisation says that house sparrows, blue tits, blackbirds and starlings are most commonly caught by cats, a problem that’s known to cause gardeners distress, as many go to great lengths to feed and look after their feathered friends. By applying the repellent close to areas such as bird feeding stations and bird baths, moggies are discouraged from prowling in areas that wild birds increasingly depend on to survive. Applying Super Strength Cat Repellent is simple using the shaker can, which can treat approximately 200m2.
A 500g shaker can of Super Strength Cat Repellent has an RRP of £7.40. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the
*According to the PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report 2019, published by animal charity PDSA.
With 24% of UK adults owning a cat*, neighbourhood disputes over the fouling of gardens are commonplace. The mess left by cats isn’t just an unpleasant nuisance that gardeners must clean up, but it also presents a health risk to humans, as cat faeces can carry a harmful parasite called Toxoplasma. According to a report by animal charity PDSA, 67% of cat owners with two or more cats provide only one or no litter trays, while 71% of cats live both inside and outdoors, raising the potential for trouble when neighbouring gardens are used as toilets.
The long-lasting odour of Neudorff’s Super Strength Cat Repellent holds the key to effectively discouraging moggies from gardens by masking territorial markings left by cats. Cats dislike foreign smells within their territory, and the repellent’s garlic extract ingredient results in the animals avoiding treated areas and going elsewhere.
Super Strength Cat Repellent forms a key element of Neudorff’s product line-up for eco-conscious gardeners – a range of products inspired by nature that respects nature, too. In line with the company’s ethos of offering products that do not pollute or damage the environment, the repellent is made from pure plant-based oils that are encapsulated in clay-based mineral granules.
Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “The problem of cats fouling gardens is the nation’s number one gardening groan, but it’s an issue that’s easily resolved with the simple and quick application of Super Strength Cat Repellent. By providing a long-lasting odour, the repellent targets cats’ natural, instinctive behaviour, persuading the animal to seek out other areas to do its business. The persistent scent will protect areas for three to four weeks, depending on the weather. The outcome is a win win situation for both gardeners and cat-lovers.”
The repellent can also be applied to effectively keep cats away from areas where wild birds are commonly seen. According to the Mammal Society, cats in the UK alone catch up to 275million prey items per year, of which 27million are birds. The organisation says that house sparrows, blue tits, blackbirds and starlings are most commonly caught by cats, a problem that’s known to cause gardeners distress, as many go to great lengths to feed and look after their feathered friends. By applying the repellent close to areas such as bird feeding stations and bird baths, moggies are discouraged from prowling in areas that wild birds increasingly depend on to survive. Applying Super Strength Cat Repellent is simple using the shaker can, which can treat approximately 200m2.
A 500g shaker can of Super Strength Cat Repellent has an RRP of £7.40. For more information visit www.neudorff.co.uk for details.
Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the
*According to the PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report 2019, published by animal charity PDSA.
Press copy
- Neudorff 20 03 - NR - Super Strength Cat Repellent.pdf